Feb 8, 2023
Successful Test Drive Tips - Thelen Subaru in Bay City, MI

Make the Most of Your Test Drive with Thelen Subaru

A test drive is a fantastic way to make sure you are purchasing the new or new-to-you Subaru that fits your criteria perfectly. Being able to sit inside and experience elements such as the powertrain and the interior amenities for yourself lets you know what to expect when you are shopping for a specific model. At Thelen Subaru, we want to help make the most of your test drive appointment when you schedule one with us at our Bay City location. We would like to share our favorite tips for a thorough and satisfying test drive in mid-Michigan.

How You Can Improve The Quality of Your Test Drive Session

Ask Questions – Even if you know which Subaru model you are going to be test-driving, it’s always advised to ask additional questions. Think of important details about the vehicle you will be testing that you haven’t gotten complete answers for in your research. The sales team member assigned to your session will be more than happy to supply you with accurate answers for your confidence. 

Bring Items You Plan on Having With You – Secondly, you want to make sure that the vehicle you plan on purchasing will cater to everything you need to bring on a daily basis. Items such as briefcases, car seats, backpacks, and other important things like these should be easily accommodated. When you come for your test drive, we encourage you to bring essentials along and try placing them in the Subaru you will be driving.

Drive Normally – You won’t be able to get a true sense of the Subaru you plan on buying without driving it like you normally do. You need to experience how the vehicle accelerates, handles, and brakes based on your driving style. While driving with the sales associate on your session, you can also use this time to ask any performance or efficiency-related questions you might have about the Subaru you are testing. 

(Photo Credit: iStock)